
Hawthron leaf benefits

Hawthorn leaf

Hawthorn is a small tree of shrub that grows throughout the northern hemisphere, it is the best-know herb for the heart in western herbalism and has also been used for a wide range of other medicinal purposes around the world. The fruits, flowers, and leaves are processed into tinctures and other kinds of extracts available in capsules or tablets in the U.S. and other parts of the world. 

Where to find hawthorn
Hawthorn is a hardy shrub that grows in almost all temperate regions of the world. It can be found in Europe, North Africa, Western Asia, India, China and North America and was introduced to Tasmania and other parts of Australia by early British settlers. It prefers full sunlight but will tolerate most conditions.

Traditional Uses and benefits of Hawthorn
Hawthorn was used to decorate the Maypole because the trees traditionally flowered in May Day. During mid-summer festivities, Hawthorn trees were decorated with flowers and ribbons and people danced around them. Blossoms were strewn on paths. Women believed that Hawthorn would keep them looking youthful. What’s more, Taking Hawthorn on fishing trips ensured a good catch.

Hawthorn is documented as a useful diuretic, to treat kidney and bladder stones and dropsy. The astringent berries were effective in cases of diarrhoea and a decoction of the flowers and berries was said to be a cure for sore throats. Hawthorn was also used in the treatment of a wide variety of other disorders including; gout, fever, pleurisy, hypertension, nervous tension, insomnia and depression. Before recent scientific findings proved it to be a fine cardiac herb, it was always considered to be a 'digestive'.

Other herbs that can be used with Hawthorn

As with many herbs, combinations can be used to add to the therapeutic value. The following is a list of herbs that can be prescribed with Hawthorn to boost its therapeutic properties:

Ginkgo. Ginkgo is best combined with Hawthorn if is there is a need to improve circulation. Ginkgo works by improving the function of the brain by increasing blood flow to the brain and improving neurotransmitter function in the brain. It will also help in peripheral circulation and in conditions such as Reynaud’s disease.

Withania. One of the best all round herbal adaptogens, Withania is a brilliant anti-fatigue herb. It will also help to improve sporting performance, reduce cardiovascular disease, and help with blood pressure. Withania is an excellent herb to take if you have heart or circulation problems.

Panax Ginseng. Once only thought to be a stimulant, panax ginseng has been found to also reduce blood pressure and is especially useful for individuals suffering depressed energy associated with cardiovascular disease. Again, this herb in combination not only with Hawthorn but with Ginkgo would be brilliant for this purpose.

Skullcap. Best known for the treatment of stress, Skullcap is excellent for those individuals that have high blood pressure due to stress in their life. 

